import { decompressSync } from 'fflate'; // @ts-ignore import { Barretenberg, Crs, RawBuffer, Fr } from '@aztec/bb.js'; import { executeCircuit, compressWitness } from '@noir-lang/acvm_js'; import { ethers } from 'ethers'; // I'm lazy so I'm using ethers to pad my input import { Ptr } from '@aztec/bb.js/dest/browser/types'; export class Noir { circuit: any; acir: string = ''; acirBufferCompressed: Uint8Array = Uint8Array.from([]); acirBufferUncompressed: Uint8Array = Uint8Array.from([]); api = {} as Barretenberg; acirComposer = {} as Ptr; constructor(circuit: Object) { this.circuit = circuit; } async init() { const isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined'; if (isBrowser) { const { default: initACVM } = await import('@noir-lang/acvm_js'); await initACVM(); } this.acirBufferCompressed = Buffer.from(this.circuit.bytecode, 'base64'); this.acirBufferUncompressed = decompressSync(this.acirBufferCompressed); this.api = await; const [exact, total, subgroup] = await this.api.acirGetCircuitSizes( this.acirBufferUncompressed, ); const subgroupSize = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log2(total))); const crs = await + 1); await this.api.commonInitSlabAllocator(subgroupSize); await this.api.srsInitSrs( new RawBuffer(crs.getG1Data()), crs.numPoints, new RawBuffer(crs.getG2Data()), ); this.acirComposer = await this.api.acirNewAcirComposer(subgroupSize); } // Generates the intermediate witnesses by using `input` // as the initial set of witnesses and executing these // against the circuit. async generateWitness(input: any): Promise<Uint8Array> { const initialWitness = new Map<number, string>(); for (let i = 1; i <= input.length; i++) { initialWitness.set(i, ethers.utils.hexZeroPad(input[i - 1], 32)); } const witnessMap = await executeCircuit(this.acirBufferCompressed, initialWitness, () => { throw Error('unexpected oracle'); }); const witnessBuff = compressWitness(witnessMap); return witnessBuff; } // Generates an inner proof. This is the proof that will be verified // in another circuit. // // We set isRecursive to true, which will tell the backend to // generate the proof using components that will make the proof // easier to verify in a circuit. async generateInnerProof(witness: Uint8Array) { const makeEasyToVerifyInCircuit = true; return this.generateProof(witness, makeEasyToVerifyInCircuit); } // Generates artifacts that will be passed to the circuit that will verify this proof. // // Instead of passing the proof and verification key as a byte array, we pass them // as fields which makes it cheaper to verify in a circuit. // // The number of public inputs denotes how many public inputs are in the inner proof. async generateInnerProofArtifacts(proof: Uint8Array, numOfPublicInputs: number = 0) { console.log('serializing proof'); const proofAsFields = await this.api.acirSerializeProofIntoFields( this.acirComposer, proof, numOfPublicInputs, ); console.log('proof serialized'); console.log('serializing vk'); await this.api.acirInitVerificationKey(this.acirComposer); // Note: If you don't init verification key, `acirSerializeVerificationKeyIntoFields`` will just hang on serialization const vk = await this.api.acirSerializeVerificationKeyIntoFields(this.acirComposer); console.log('vk serialized'); return { proofAsFields: => p.toString()), vkAsFields: vk[0].map(vk => vk.toString()), vkHash: vk[1].toString(), }; } // Generate an outer proof. This is the proof for the circuit which will verify // inner proofs. // // The settings for this proof are the same as the settings for a "normal" proof // ie one that is not in the recursive setting. async generateOuterProof(witness: Uint8Array) { const makeEasyToVerifyInCircuit = false; return this.generateProof(witness, makeEasyToVerifyInCircuit); } async generateProof(witness: Uint8Array, makeEasyToVerifyInCircuit: boolean) { console.log('Creating outer proof'); const decompressedWitness = decompressSync(witness); const proof = await this.api.acirCreateProof( this.acirComposer, this.acirBufferUncompressed, decompressedWitness, makeEasyToVerifyInCircuit, ); return proof; } async verifyInnerProof(proof: Uint8Array) { const makeEasyToVerifyInCircuit = true; return this.verifyProof(proof, makeEasyToVerifyInCircuit); } async verifyOuterProof(proof: Uint8Array) { const makeEasyToVerifyInCircuit = false; console.log('verifying outer proof'); const verified = await this.verifyProof(proof, makeEasyToVerifyInCircuit); console.log(verified); return verified; } async verifyProof(proof: Uint8Array, makeEasyToVerifyInCircuit: boolean) { await this.api.acirInitVerificationKey(this.acirComposer); const verified = await this.api.acirVerifyProof( this.acirComposer, proof, makeEasyToVerifyInCircuit, ); return verified; } async destroy() { await this.api.destroy(); } }